All reports, except Dimensions of Leadership Profile®, are delivered through the ease and convenience of the internet.
Personal Branding
Brand Me, Inc
Brand Me, At Work
Self Assessments
Dimensions of Leadership
DiSC Profile Classic
Discovering Diversity Profile
Personal Listening Profile
Team Dimensions Profile
Time Mastery Profile
Work Expectations Profile

Brand Me, Inc.

For small business owners, the importance of branding can be summed up in three words: More for More. A strong personal brand identity makes you distinctive and remarkable so customers, colleagues and vendors consistently connect value to their interactions with you. In return for providing what others value, you can command more of what you want – more customers, money and respect for what you do. Marcia Brown and Denise Barnwell, brand builders and co-authors, guide small business owners through the 5 key steps to become distinctive and remarkable through Personal Branding.

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Brand Me, Inc.
e-book PDF format Price: $19.95 (Product No: M-101 )
(viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader)

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Brand Me, Inc.

Printed book version Price: $19.95 (Product No: M-102 )

S&H: $5.00. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Express ship available.

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Brand Me - At Work

In the workplace, personal Branding is all about thinking of and presenting yourself as a brand. This can be your competitive edge. Through Personal Branding, you can become distinctive and remarkable in what you do and how you do it so your prospective or current employer will consistently connect value in their interactions with you. A strong personal brand identity translates into a solid reputation, being sought out for choice assignments or advice and commanding higher salaries versus those who are not perceived to deliver as much value. Brand builders and co-authors Marcia Brown and Denise Barnwell, guide you through the 5 key steps to create your Personal Brand.

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Brand Me - At Work
e-book PDF format Price: $19.95 (Product No: M-103)
(viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader)

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Brand Me - At Work

Printed book version Price: $19.95 (Product No: M-104)

S&H: $5.00. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Express ship available.

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Dimensions of Leadership Profile®

Collapsing organizational hierarchies and increasing workforce diversity has dramatically altered our understanding of leadership. Leadership is no longer seen as one defining role atop the business pyramid, but as a relationship between leaders and followers. Today, leaders come in many varieties, from charismatic visionaries to quiet team players. Leadership is understood in its multiple dimensions, with leaders and followers interchanging roles as the situation demands.

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Dimensions of Leadership Profile ®
Price: $17.00 (Product No: C-278)

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DiSC® Profile Classic

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding yourself, understanding others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior on others. For nearly thirty years, the DiSC ® Classic has unlocked the door to productive communication and relationships for nearly 40 million people through its DiSC ® Dimensions of Behavior learning approach.

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DiSC ® Profile Classic
Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-888)
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DiSC® Personal Profile System (PPSS)

For nearly thirty years, the DiSC® Classic has helped nearly 40 million people unlock the door to productive communication, positive relationships, and increased performance through its DiSC® Dimensions of Behavior learning approach. DiSC® PPSS combines the power of DiSC® with personalized technology to deliver instrumented learning to your fingertips.

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DiSC ® PPSS Profile
Price: $25.00 (Product No: W-728)

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® PPSS Supplemental Reports

Price: $10.00 Each (Product No: W-72801)

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Discovering Diversity Profile®

Our increasingly diverse society is reflected in growing workforce diversity. Leading organizations acknowledge that working successfully with others who don't share the same background, beliefs, or traditions is a top priority in today's workplace. Employees need help in assessing their behavior toward people who are different from themselves. And they must understand the benefits of changing negative attitudes and resistance into appreciation and cooperation.

Designed to help individuals look honestly at themselves to identify attitudes and behavior that stand in the way of teamwork, the Discovering Diversity Profile ® provides a safe way to explore the complex, powerful issues surrounding diversity.

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Discovering Diversity Profile ®
Individual Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-09801)

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Discovering Diversity Profile
Group Price: $37.50 (Product No: C-09802)

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Personal Listening Profile®

Good communication is one of the most valued skills in the workplace. And effective listening is crucial to communicating productively inside the organization and meeting the competitive challenges outside the organization. The Personal Listening Profile ® helps people become active, purposeful listeners in a wide variety of situations for more productive communication.

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Personal Listening Profile ®
Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-217)

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Team Dimensions Profile

Successful team members don't do the same thing at the same time. They do the right thing at the right time. And while team members work together toward a common goal, individuals still must play their individual roles in the process. As organizations rely more and more on teams to innovate, problem-solve, produce, and compete at the speed of change, clearly understanding and capitalizing on individual approaches to group processes is the bottom line on creating high performance teams.

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Team Dimensions Profile ®
Individual Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-46301)

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Team Dimensions Profile

Group Price: $
37.50 (Product No: C-46302)

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Time Mastery Profile®

Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs, and enjoy life outside of work is even more intense in today's less structured, information-driven workplace. Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy designed to meet individual needs.

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Time Mastery Profile ®
Individual Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-24601)

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Time Mastery Profile ®
Group Price: $37.50 (Product No: C-24602)

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Work Expectations Profile

Work expectations are those things people consider likely to happen in their job situation, either now or in the future. Whether spoken or unspoken, met or unmet, expectations have a powerful impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and play a key role in driving our attitudes. Research shows that people who have clearly defined, well-communicated expectations find more satisfaction and success in their work than people whose expectations go unspoken or unrealized. And companies that employ satisfied, successful people reap the rewards of increased productivity and reduced turnover.

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Work Expectations Profile ®
Individual Price: $25.00 (Product No: C-25101)

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Work Expectations Profile ®
Group Price: $37.50 (Product No: C-25102)

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